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Experience Shabbat

More than Jews have kept shabbat, shabbat has kept the Jews

– Ahad Ha’am (1856-1927), founder of cultural Zionism

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Passcode: minyan

Shabbat offers a time at Temple Israel to focus on our spirituality and come together as a community. Our services are traditional, egalitarian, and family friendly.  Contact us here if you wish to be connected with members of the Temple Israel community for home-based Shabbat meals.

Friday Night

Friday night starts with mincha seasonally.

6:15 PM in the Weitzenkorn Family Chapel (unless otherwise noted)

Friday night services start with Kabbalat Shabbat (welcoming the Sabbath). Check the Synagogue calendar for announcements of special Friday night programming.

Saturday Morning

We welcome you to choose from one of many Shabbat morning offerings at Temple Israel .

9:00 AM in the Sanctuary

Each week Rabbi Fineberg, Cantor Gloth, and volunteers lead a warm and welcoming service where we also celebrate life-cycle events together like bnai mitzvah, baby namings, and special birthdays. There are many ways to receive an honor and participate in the service.  

We welcome people of all ages, backgrounds, and levels Jewish knowledge to the sanctuary service. There’s even a “prayground” near the sanctuary entrance for our youngest attendees with books, toys, and seats for their adults. And our ushers can help one locate transliterated and/or alternative prayer books, as well as accessibility tools like magnifiers and auditory aids.

10:00 AM Junior Congregation in the Weitzenkorn Family Chapel

School-age children are invited to join Abby Newman Wallach (Director of Youth Education and Programming) for an interactive, fun, and educational service. Junior congregation meets during the religious school year, but not during school vacation or holiday weekends (see the calendar).

10:30 AM Torah Tots in the Kindergarten Classroom

Every Shabbat year round families with infants through children younger than kindergarten are invited to join our Family Educator Gila Yudewitz for a Shabbat morning experience of songs, prayers, stories, and play. 

Additional offerings, including religious school services, learner’s services, alternative services, and special discussions happen periodically throughout the year, as announced.


After Saturday morning services, participants from all services gather together for kiddush, a light festive meal, to shmooze and catch up with friends. Sponsoring kiddush is a way to celebrate and honor a personal or family event or commemoration, as well as a lovely way to support our community.

Shabbat Afternoon Service (Mincha/Maariv)

In the Weitzenkorn Family Chapel (see calendar for exact times each week)

Shabbat afternoon services are held approximately one hour before Havdalah (the conclusion of Shabbat. The service is intimate and friendly, with learning usually led by Rabbi Fineberg between the mincha (afternoon) and maariv (evening) services.  The services end with Havdalah, marking the transition from Shabbat to the week ahead. 

Shabbat is a day when our most important goal is not to have, but to be, not to own, but to give, not to control, but to share, not to subdue, but to be in accord…”

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel