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Getting Rid of Hametz

We prepare for Pesach by eliminating hametz from our homes, cars, offices, and anywhere we might spend time over the holiday. We render our surroundings completely hametz-free, sealing off and selling any items that remain in our dwellings.

You may sell your hametz online here until friday, April 11, at 8am.

Because Pesach this year begins at Motzei Shabbat, the order of special preparations and removal of hametz is spread out in a different manner than in other years. Please pay close attention to the following dates and times:

Bedikat hametz (searching for hametz): Thursday, April 10th, after Maariv or 8:00pm.
Biur hametz: Burnt or disposed of by 11:39am on Friday, April 11th.
Last time to eat hametz is 10:33am Saturday, April 12th. The second Bittul Hametz recitation will be done during Shabbat morning services on Saturday April 12th, no later than 11:39am.
Hametz reverts possession at 8:45pm on the 23rd of Nisan, corresponding to Sunday evening April 20th, 2025.

Fast of the Firstborn and Siyyum: Thursday morning, April 10th

Shacharit services, Chapel & on Zoom: 6:45am
Siyyum, Chapel & on Zoom: 7:30am
Biyur chametz at TI kitchen loading dock: 8:25am
The biyur hametz must be completed by 11:34am.

Shabbat Erev Pesach: Friday Night, April 11th

All cooking for the First seder should be completed before Shabbat – you may transfer fire and cook for the Second night seder during the first day of Pesach. 

Candle Lighting: 7:03, it is customary light a long-burning candle in addition to regular Shabbat candles so that you can transfer the flame for candle lighting and cooking on Peach.
Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:15pm

Join us for Shabbat Dinner following services. Details below!

Leyl Pesach: Saturday, April 12th

Mincha: 1:18pm, following shabbat kiddush
Candle Lighting: 8:07pm, tranfser fire from the long-burning candle by inserting a match or other stick into the flame. Do not extinguish the match, but let it self-extinguish in a non-flammable tray.

Recite 2 brachot- lehadlik ner shel yom tov, and shehechiyanu

Then light holiday candles only (there is no havdalah candle). During the seder, when you say Borei Meorei haEish, that blessing is recited over the Yom Tov candles. Please follow the instructions in your Haggadah for when Pesach begins on Saturday night.

Pesach Day 1: Sunday, April 13th

Festival Shacharit services, Sanctuary: 9:30am – PLEASE NOTE THE LATER START TIME

Tal (Prayer for Dew): During Musaf services, the leader will don a kittel and chant Tal. We begin to include the prayer for dew in our daily tefillot, leaving aside our prayers for winter rain.

Mincha: 1:18pm, in the Chapel & on Zoom

Second Night of Pesach: Sunday, April 13th

Light festival candles (from an existing flame) at home with two blessings (ner shel yom tov and Shehecheyanu), 8:07pm.

Temple Israel is NOT holding ma’ariv services this evening. If you are looking for a minyan, please let Rabbi Fineberg know so he can help you find one.

Be sure to include sefirat ha-omer, counting the omer, which appears in the Haggadah. The counting of the omer should be done after dark, at least 20 minutes following sunset.

Pesach Day 2: Monday, April 14th

Festival Shacharit services, Sanctuary: 9:30am – PLEASE NOTE THE LATER START TIME
Mincha/Maariv: 7:05pm
Havdalah over a cup of wine (no spices or candle): 8:08pm

Hol HaMoed Pesach (Intermediate Days of the Festival)
Tuesday – Friday, April 15-18

Weekday Shacharit: 6:45am
Weekday Mincha/Maariv: 7:15pm

Second Days of Pesach: Friday Night, April 18th

Prepare Shabbat Candles and a long-burning candle for transferring fire and cooking on Yom Tov

Candle Lighting: 7:11pm, recite 1 bracha: lehadlik ner shel shabbat v’yom tov

Friday Mincha/Abbreviated Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv: 6:15pm

Say kiddush with insertions for Pesach and Shabbat, do not add shehechiyanu

Saturday Morning Services: 9:00am

Saturday Mincha/Maariv: 7:05pm

8th Day of Pesach: Saturday, 4/19-Sunday, 4/20

Candle lighting: 8:14pm

Light Yom Tov candles by transferring fire from the long-burning candle by inserting a match or other stick into the flame. Do not extinguish the match, but let it self-extinguish in a non-flammable tray.

Recite 1 bracha- lehadlik ner shel yom tov

During kiddush, which includes Borei Meorei HaEish and Hamavdil Bein Kodesh leKodesh, when you say Borei Meorei haEish, that blessing is recited over the Yom Tov candles.

Sunday, 4/20

Early Shacharit/Yizkor: 6:30am
Shacharit: 9:00am
Mincha/Maariv: 7:15pm
Havdalah: 8:16pm

​​​​​​Rabbi Fineberg will purchase back the hametz he sold on your behalf by 8:45pm, after which you may resume eating the hametz in your homes.