Vision & Values
To be THE vital center for traditional egalitarian Jewish living and learning in Boston’s south area and beyond.
Sacred Community/Kehilah Kedusha
Speak to the whole Israelite community and say to them: You shall be holy, for I, the LORD your God, am holy. (Leviticus 19:2)
Inclusion/Kavod haBriyot
b. מרבים בשמחה- increasing in joy (M.Taanit 4:6)
c. עִבְדוּ אֶת-ה׳ בְּשִׂמְחָה- Serve God with Joy (Psalm 100:2)
Jewish Peoplehood/K'lal Yisrael
b. לעסוק בדברי תורה
Social Action/Tikun Olam
לתקן את העולם במלכות שדי- to repair the world through God’s Sovereignty
Who We Are
Temple Israel is a mid-sized synagogue with a big heart. We are a vibrant, spiritual, welcoming, joyful, and inclusive community serving the South Area of Greater Boston. We offer a variety of engagement opportunities for your mind, heart, and soul.
Discover a wealth of classes and activities tailored to keep your mind engaged, regardless of your age or interests. From adult education courses to social action projects, there’s something for everyone.
As a Temple member, you’ll enjoy a calendar filled with holiday-related events, family programs, and events run by our community throughout the year. Our Sisterhood Walter Family Judaica Shop offers a range of religious and artistic giftware. Plus, our tasteful banquet halls and kosher kitchen are available for celebrating family Simchas (celebrations).

Temple Israel is a diverse spiritual community that welcomes all. Whether you’re participating in our Learners’ Minyan, children’s services, or family services, or simply finding solace during High Holy Day services, you’ll feel the warmth and vibrancy of our congregation. Our clergy are dedicated to guiding and supporting you on your journey of exploring and strengthening your Jewish identity.